Indonesian Sentences About Plants
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Plants" in Indonesian. Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, this collection not only offers valuable Indonesian sentences and phrases but also features text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to reinforce your understanding. Whether you're expanding your linguistic skills or preparing for an immersive Indonesian experience, these sentences serve as an ideal resource to improve your fluency. Delve into the vibrant world of Indonesian phrases focused on plants and elevate your language learning journey with practical examples and authentic pronunciation guidance.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Ada tanaman yang dapat mengusir serangga.
There are plants that repel insects.
Aku ingin menanam kebun sayur.
I want to plant a vegetable garden.
Aku membeli kaktus.
I bought a cactus.
Aku menanam pohon jeruk.
I am planting an orange tree.
Apakah ini bunga?
Is this a flower?
Benih ditabur di lapangan.
Seeds were sown in the field.
Botani berhubungan dengan studi tentang tumbuhan.
Botany deals with the study of plants.
Bunga-bunga ini harus terlindung dari hujan.
These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.
Bunga-bunga itu menghiburnya.
The flowers cheered her up.
Cokelat terbuat dari biji kakao.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.
Kami menanam gandum di sini.
We grow wheat here.
Kami menemukan banyak tanaman aneh di kebun raya.
We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.
Kebun kami menghasilkan kubis yang berlimpah tahun lalu.
Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.
Nenekku punya banyak vegetasi yang tumbuh secara spontan.
My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.
Setelah hujan, banyak jamur tumbuh di hutan.
After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.
Sirami tanaman.
Water the plants.
Tanaman yang sudah tua pada akhirnya akan mati.
Old plants eventually die.
Tanamlah benih ini sebelum musim panas tiba.
Plant these seeds before summer sets in.
Tanam sayuran mu sendiri di rumah.
Grow your own vegetables at home.
Tom menyirami bunga-bunga itu.
Tom watered the flowers.
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