Indonesian Sentences About Love
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Discover the beauty of the Indonesian language through our curated list of 20 sentences about "Love" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners aiming to enhance their Indonesian vocabulary, these carefully selected Indonesian sentences and phrases come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to facilitate effective learning. Tailored for intermediate Indonesian learners, our content not only enriches your vocabulary but also helps you grasp the nuances of expressing love in Indonesian. Whether you're studying for personal growth or academic purposes, immerse yourself in these authentic examples to master the language and deepen your cultural understanding. Explore now and elevate your Indonesian language journey!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku suka novel roman.
I love romance novels.
Cinta saya tidak akan pernah hilang.
My love will never disappear.
Cinta tanpa kesedihan tidak mungkin terjadi.
Love without sorrow cannot be.
Cinta tidak mengenal batas.
Love knows no limits.
Cinta tidak pernah tanpa kecemburuan.
Love is never without jealousy.
Dia berniat untuk menikahinya.
He intended to marry her.
Dia jatuh cinta dengan ibumu.
He was smitten with your mother.
Dia mencintainya dengan sepenuh hati.
He loved her with all his heart.
Dia menyukai mata kuliahnya.
She loves her college courses.
Dia sungguh mencintai sahabatnya.
She truly loved her dear friend.
Mary adalah tunangan saya.
Mary is my fiancée.
Mereka adalah pasangan kekasih di sekolah menengah.
They were high school sweethearts.
Saya merasa sangat cinta padanya.
I fell madly in love with him.
Sayangku, aku merindukanmu.
My dear, I've missed you.
Saya suka bepergian ke negara-negara baru.
I love traveling to new countries.
Saya suka memasak pasta.
I love cooking pasta.
Saya suka naik kereta di seluruh negeri.
I love riding trains across the country.
Sedih rasanya tidak dicintai, tetapi jauh lebih menyedihkan jika tidak bisa mencintai.
It is sad not to be loved, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.
Tom mencium pipinya.
Tom kissed her on the cheek.
Tom menyukai arsitektur.
Tom loves architecture.
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