Indonesian Sentences About Movies
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 engaging Indonesian sentences about movies, available on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, each sentence comes with clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. These carefully selected Indonesian phrases not only boost your language skills but also immerse you in the vibrant world of Indonesian cinema culture. Whether you're an intermediate learner looking to expand your linguistic abilities or a movie enthusiast eager to explore Indonesian films, this page is your essential resource for mastering Indonesian sentences related to movies.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Akhir dari film ini membuatnya merasa sedih.
The movie's ending made her feel sad.
Akhir film ini sangat tidak terduga.
The film's ending was very unpredictable.
Aku akan menonton film malam ini.
I am seeing a movie tonight.
Aku tidak sabar menunggu sekuel filmnya.
I can't wait for the movie sequel.
Apa ekspektasi Anda terhadap film ini?
What was your expectation of the film?
Dia merasa ngeri dengan film-film kekerasan.
She is horrified by violent movies.
Dia suka menonton serial drama.
He loves watching drama series.
Film dimulai pada pukul 7 malam.
The movie began at 7 pm.
Film ini akan ditayangkan di bioskop bulan depan.
The movie is showing in movie theaters next month.
Film ini didasarkan pada kejadian nyata.
The movie is based on true events.
Film ini disulihsuarakan ke dalam bahasa Italia.
The film was dubbed into Italian.
Film ini jauh lebih panjang daripada film sebelumnya.
This movie is much longer than the last one.
Film ini layak untuk ditonton.
This film is worth seeing.
Film ini memiliki rating PG-13.
The film is rated PG-13.
Film ini meninggalkan refleksi yang mendalam bagi semua penonton.
This movie leaves a profound reflection for all viewers.
Film ini sangat kontroversial.
This movie is highly controversial.
Ia menganggap film itu terlalu menakutkan.
She found the movie too scary.
Kapan filmnya dimulai?
When does the movie start?
Mayat hidup muncul dalam film horor.
Undead creatures appear in horror movies.
Mereka pergi ke bioskop.
They are going to the movies.
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