Indonesian Sentences About Food and Drink
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Unlock the world of Indonesian cuisine and culture with our carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Food and Drink" in Indonesian. Perfect for learners looking to enhance their Indonesian vocabulary, this collection offers a practical way to understand and memorize essential Indonesian phrases. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, making it an invaluable resource for intermediate Indonesian learners. Whether you're planning a trip to Indonesia or simply expanding your language skills, these Indonesian sentences will help you communicate more effectively and confidently. Dive in to elevate your language proficiency to the next level!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku mau segelas tequila.
I would like a glass of tequila.
Aku sangat lapar.
I am terribly hungry.
Aku suka anggur bersoda dan anggur buah.
I like sparkling and fruity wines.
Apakah Anda suka tiram?
Do you like oysters?
Apakah ini merupakan sumber kalium yang baik?
Is it a good source of potassium?
Apa kamu ingin minum?
Would you like a drink?
Apa kamu mau salad?
Would you like some salad?
Apa kamu seorang vegetarian atau vegan?
Are you vegetarian or vegan?
Apa saja wine Prancis favorit Anda?
What are some of your favorite French wines?
Dia menumpahkan secangkir kopinya.
She spilled her cup of coffee.
Dietnya akan terdiri dari sayuran.
Her diet will consist mainly of vegetables.
Gabus sampanye pun terbuka.
The champagne cork popped out.
Jepang mengimpor jeruk dari California.
Japan imports oranges from California.
Kamu boleh makan kue sekarang.
You may eat a cookie now.
Kamu mau minum apa?
What would you like to drink?
Mereka bersulang dengan sampanye.
They are toasting with champagne.
Saya membeli sekotak susu dari supermarket.
I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.
Sup ini sangat lezat.
This soup is exquisite.
Tolong, seporsi kecil ham, dan bir.
A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.
Wiski ini sangat kuat.
This whisky is very strong.
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