Indonesian Sentences About Pets
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Pets". This page is ideal for anyone looking to improve their Indonesian language skills, especially at an intermediate level. Each sentence comes equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure comprehensive understanding and practice. Whether you're learning Indonesian for travel, work, or personal growth, these carefully selected Indonesian sentences and phrases will add depth to your lexicon. Embrace the vibrant world of Indonesian language and take your proficiency to new heights with these practical, pet-related phrases. Dive into our resources today and start mastering intermediate Indonesian.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anak anjing itu sangat lucu.
That puppy is so cute.
Anjing itu mengikuti tuannya sambil mengibas-ngibaskan ekornya.
The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.
Anjing menjilati wajah pemiliknya.
The dog licks his owner's face.
Anjing penjagaku waspada terhadap suara dan gerakan sekecil apa pun.
My watchdog is alert to the slightest sound and movement.
Apa kamu punya ular piton?
Do you have python snakes?
Burung beo sudah mati.
The parrot is dead.
Cookie adalah yang paling lucu dari semua anjing.
Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.
Dia memiliki tiga kura-kura peliharaan.
She has three pet turtles.
Dia menunjukkan kepada kami anak anjing barunya.
She showed us her new puppy.
Ia sangat mengagumi anak anjing barunya.
She adores her new puppy.
Ikanku mati dua minggu yang lalu.
My fish died two weeks ago.
Jika Anda ingin membeli tali pengikat, pergilah ke toko hewan peliharaan.
If you want to buy a leash, go to a pet shop.
Kenapa kucingku menyerang jubah mandiku?
Why is my cat attacking my bathrobe?
Kucing ku suka sekali tidur.
My cat likes to sleep a lot.
Kucing saya menggonggong.
My cat barks.
Pamflet ini adalah tentang hewan peliharaan.
This pamphlet is about pets.
Periksa kutu hewan peliharaanmu secara teratur.
Check your pet for ticks regularly.
Pria itu menyisir anjingnya dengan sikat.
The man combs his dog with a brush.
Suara bisingnya membuat kucing ketakutan.
The noise freaks out the cat.
Tom ingin kuda poni.
Tom wants a pony.
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