Indonesian Sentences About Religion

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's engaging collection of 20 sentences about "Religion," designed specifically for learners at an intermediate level. This expertly curated list features Indonesian sentences paired with English translations, offering clear insights into both language and culture. Enhance your learning experience with text-to-speech audio for perfect pronunciation practice. Whether you're expanding your Indonesian phrases for travel or academic purposes, these practical and authentic examples are perfect for building your confidence and skills. Explore this comprehensive resource to deepen your understanding and embrace the nuances of Indonesian language and tradition today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Agama Buddha bermula di India.

    Buddhism had its beginnings in India.

  • Apa kamu tahu dewa mana yang didedikasikan untuk kuil ini?

    Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to?

  • Dia dianggap sebagai penyelamat oleh banyak orang.

    He was considered a savior by many.

  • Dia melakukan penebusan dosanya dengan tenang.

    She did her penance quietly.

  • Dia mencari penebusan atas kesalahannya.

    She sought atonement for her mistakes.

  • Dia percaya pada hal-hal supranatural.

    He believes in the supernatural.

  • Jika Tuhan memberikan perintah kesebelas, aku ingin tahu apa perintah itu.

    If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.

  • Kami mendengar suara lonceng gereja.

    We heard the church bells.

  • Kamu harus bersumpah di atas Alkitab.

    You should swear on the Bible.

  • Meditasi yang dilakukannya membawanya pada pencerahan.

    Her meditation led to enlightenment.

  • Mereka makan ikan pada hari Jumat.

    They eat fish on Fridays.

  • Mereka menyembah dolar yang maha kuasa.

    They worship the almighty dollar.

  • Puji Tuhan!

    Praise the Lord!

  • Salah satu murid Yesus bernama Paulus.

    One of Jesus' disciples was named Paul.

  • Sebuah lingkaran cahaya muncul di sekeliling kepala orang suci itu.

    A halo appeared around the holy man's head.

  • Tidak ada yang suci.

    Nothing is holy.

  • Tolong ucapkan doa untuk mereka yang berada di dalam pesawat.

    Please say a prayer for those who were onboard.

  • Tom pergi ke Korea sebagai misionaris Kristen.

    Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.

  • Tuhan, dengarlah doaku.

    God, hear my prayer.

  • Ucapkan doamu.

    Say your prayers.

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