Indonesian Sentences About University
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Welcome to our Clozemaster page featuring 20 carefully curated sentences about "University" in Indonesian, designed to elevate your Indonesian vocabulary. Whether you're an intermediate Indonesian learner or just starting out, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Dive into authentic Indonesian phrases that capture the nuances of university life, helping you understand and use the language more effectively. Perfect for mastering intermediate Indonesian, this list is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to expand their understanding and use of Indonesian sentences in real-world contexts.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku harus mengedit makalah penelitianku.
I need to edit my research paper.
Aku sedang mengerjakan aplikasi kuliahku.
I'm working on my college applications.
Aku seorang mahasiswa.
I am a student.
Apakah Anda sudah selesai menulis tesis Anda?
Have you finished writing your thesis?
Dia belajar teknik di universitas.
She studies engineering at the university.
Dia mempelajari teori metafisika di universitas.
She studies metaphysical theories at university.
Dia sedang belajar politik di universitas.
He is studying politics at university.
Dia sudah menghabiskan dua jam mengajar ketika dia masuk.
He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.
Dua profesor fisika Iran dibunuh.
Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.
Ia mengambil jurusan sastra Inggris.
He majors in English literature.
Ia sempat absen dari perkuliahan.
She was absent from lectures.
Kuliahnya sangat membosankan.
The lecture was extremely boring.
Minggu ini aku memiliki tiga ujian tengah semester.
This week I had three midterms.
Para pendiri perusahaan bertemu di bangku kuliah.
The company's founders met in college.
Para profesor mendiskusikan kurikulum.
The professors discussed the curriculum.
Tom datang ke Boston setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah atas.
Tom came to Boston after graduating from high school.
Tom memiliki waktu tiga bulan lagi sampai ia lulus.
Tom has three months left until he graduates.
Universitas adalah institusi pendidikan.
Universities are educational institutions.
Universitas ingin memberikan beasiswa kepada Anda.
The university wants to grant you a scholarship.
Universitas ini menggunakan nama pendirinya.
The university bears the name of its founder.
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