Italian Sentences About Body
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Unlock a new level of language learning with our curated list of 20 Italian sentences about the "Body" on Clozemaster. Perfect for those aiming to expand their Italian vocabulary and master intermediate Italian, each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. These carefully selected Italian phrases facilitate immersive learning, helping you grasp the nuances of everyday language effortlessly. Whether you're seeking to enhance your conversational skills or build a robust vocabulary base, our collection offers a practical approach to mastering Italian sentences. Start your journey towards fluency today with our engaging and effective language resources.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Ha sbattuto il ginocchio sul tavolo.
He bashed his knee on the table.
Ho chiuso gli occhi.
I closed my eyes.
Ho preso peso.
I have gained weight.
Ho un dolore pulsante qui.
I have a throbbing pain here.
Il ragazzo era molto pallido e tremava in ogni membro dal freddo.
The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.
Il suo ginocchio era dolorosamente gonfio.
His knee was painfully swollen.
La gravidanza dell'essere umano dura nove mesi.
Human pregnancy lasts nine months.
La mia testa sta esplodendo.
My head is exploding.
L'anno scorso ho avuto un aborto spontaneo.
I had a miscarriage last year.
Lei ha respirato profondamente.
She breathed deeply.
Lei sta portando uno zaino sulla schiena.
She is carrying a backpack on her back.
Le lacrime scendevano lungo le mie guance.
Tears ran down my cheeks.
Lo stomaco è uno degli organi interni.
The stomach is one of the internal organs.
Lui afferrò la mia mano.
He gripped my hand.
Lui è il più pesante tra tutti noi.
He is the heaviest of us all.
Lui mi ha toccato sulla spalla.
He tapped me on the shoulder.
Tom dirignava i denti.
Tom clenched his teeth.
Tom si sta rasando la barba.
Tom is shaving his beard.
Tutto il nostro sangue passa attraverso i nostri reni circa sessanta volte al giorno.
All of our blood goes through our kidneys about sixty times a day.
Una lacrima le scivolò lungo la guancia.
A tear rolled down her cheek.
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