Italian Sentences About Stating Preferences
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 sentences focused on "Stating Preferences." Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource offers a dynamic way to improve your language skills. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing a comprehensive learning experience. Explore practical Italian sentences and phrases that are essential for expressing preferences effectively. Whether you're aiming to boost your conversational skills or expand your vocabulary, these exercises are designed to make learning engaging and efficient. Dive in and start mastering intermediate Italian with these specially selected phrases today.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Arrivare presto è un bene.
Arriving early is good.
Berrei un po' di tè verde al gelsomino.
I would drink some jasmine green tea.
Ci piace andare in spiaggia.
We enjoy going to the beach.
Era una giornata ideale per fare una passeggiata.
It was an ideal day for walking.
Gli piace essere un vegetariano.
He enjoys being a vegetarian.
Ho deciso di smettere di fumare.
I decided to quit smoking.
Il caffè non suscita il mio interesse.
Coffee does not arouse my interest.
I miei gusti differiscono molto dai tuoi.
My tastes differ greatly from yours.
La matematica è la mia materia preferita.
Mathematics is my favorite subject.
Lei ama il cantante.
She likes the singer.
Lei è una amante della natura.
She is a lover of nature.
Lei non è una mangiatrice schizzinosa.
She is not a picky eater.
Lui preferisce il pesce alla carne.
He prefers fish to meat.
Mangiamo pesce crudo.
We eat raw fish.
Mi piacciono le caramelle.
I like candies.
Naturalmente, molti anziani sono felici della pensione.
Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.
Non mi piace nessuna delle torte.
I like neither of the cakes.
Solo le persone disoccupate escono a mercoledì.
Only unemployed people date on Wednesdays.
Ti piace il caffè o il tè?
Do you like coffee or tea?
Un'auto costosa è un simbolo di status.
An expensive car is a status symbol.
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