Italian Sentences About Religion

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Boost your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 Italian sentences about "Religion." Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page provides carefully selected Italian phrases accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your listening and comprehension skills. Explore diverse contexts and gain confidence in using Italian sentences fluently. Whether you're expanding your cultural knowledge or preparing for real-world conversations, these phrases offer valuable practice. Elevate your language proficiency and immerse yourself in the intricacies of Italian with our interactive and engaging content. Enhance your learning journey today with Clozemaster's expert resources!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abbiamo sentito le campane della chiesa.

    We heard the church bells.

  • Dovresti giurare sulla Bibbia.

    You should swear on the Bible.

  • Il Buddhismo ebbe i suoi inizi in India.

    Buddhism had its beginnings in India.

  • Il demone è morto.

    The demon is dead.

  • Il prete ha radunato i fedeli nella chiesa.

    The priest assembled the parishioners in the church.

  • Il timore di alcune potenze divine e supreme tiene gli uomini in obbedienza.

    The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.

  • Lei cercava espiazione per i suoi errori.

    She sought atonement for her mistakes.

  • Lei ha fatto la sua penitenza in silenzio.

    She did her penance quietly.

  • Lui crede nel sovrannaturale.

    He believes in the supernatural.

  • Mangiano pesce il venerdì.

    They eat fish on Fridays.

  • Niente è sacro.

    Nothing is holy.

  • Per favore, recita una preghiera per coloro che erano a bordo.

    Please say a prayer for those who were onboard.

  • Recita le tue preghiere.

    Say your prayers.

  • Sai a quale divinità è dedicato questo tempio?

    Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to?

  • Se Dio avesse dato un undicesimo comandamento, mi chiedo quale sarebbe stato.

    If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.

  • Ti assolvo dai tuoi peccati.

    I absolve you from your sins.

  • Tom è andato in Corea come un missionario cristiano.

    Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.

  • Tom e Mary hanno venduto le loro anime.

    Tom and Mary sold their souls.

  • Un alone apparve intorno alla testa dell'uomo santo.

    A halo appeared around the holy man's head.

  • Uno dei discepoli di Gesù si chiamava Paolo.

    One of Jesus' disciples was named Paul.

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