Italian Sentences About Requesting Help
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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide for expanding your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Requesting Help" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource combines text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Discover practical Italian sentences and phrases that will boost your conversational skills and prepare you for real-world interactions. Whether you’re traveling in Italy or connecting with Italian speakers, mastering these phrases is crucial. Dive into our interactive platform and strengthen your Italian proficiency with this engaging and educational content tailored for language enthusiasts.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo delle formiche in cucina, quindi dobbiamo chiamare un disinfestatore.
We have ants in the kitchen, so we need to call an exterminator.
Aiutami a stampare questo.
Help me print this.
Listen to me!
Chiedi indicazioni a un poliziotto.
Ask a policeman for directions.
Chi ha mangiato tutte le torte?
Who ate all the pies?
Devo trovare un bancomat velocemente.
I need to find an ATM quickly.
Era disperato per aiuto.
He was desperate for help.
Ho bisogno del cacciavite.
I need the screwdriver.
Ho bisogno di un unguento per l'irritazione.
I need a rash ointment.
Lascia che lo porti.
Let me carry it.
Lui ha bisogno di un po' di aiuto.
He needs some help.
Mi presteresti gentilmente una pinzatrice?
Will you please lend me a stapler?
Mi puoi aiutare, per favore?
Can you help me, please?
Per favore, correggi la mia pronuncia.
Please correct my pronunciation.
Per favore, leggi il cartello.
Please read the sign.
Posso chiudere la finestra?
May I close the window?
Posso fumare?
May I smoke?
Potresti aiutarmi, per favore?
Could you assist me, please?
Potresti pulire il water, per favore?
Could you clean the toilet, please?
Se hai bisogno di qualcosa, dimmelo.
If you need anything, tell me.
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