Italian Sentences About Directions
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Directions" in Italian. Perfect for learners at the intermediate Italian level, these sentences come equipped with text-to-speech audio for accurate pronunciation and English translations for clear understanding. Whether you're navigating everyday Italian phrases or looking to improve your directional vocabulary, this page offers a practical approach to learning. Dive into these Italian sentences to strengthen your language skills and boost your confidence in conversational Italian. Explore now and master essential Italian phrases seamlessly through listening and repetition with Clozemaster.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo bisogno di navigazione per arrivarci.
We need navigation to get there.
Chiedi indicazioni a un poliziotto.
Ask a policeman for directions.
È arrivato dall'autostrada.
He came by the freeway.
Fai attenzione ad attraversare la strada.
Be careful crossing the street.
Ha girato il volante a destra.
He turned the wheel to the right.
Ha guardato a destra.
He looked to the right.
Il sole tramonta a ovest.
The sun sets in the west.
La metropolitana è sulla destra!
The metro is on the right!
Lui camminava verso il parco.
He walked towards the park.
Lui ci ha portato alla stazione.
He led us to the station.
Metti il cappotto sull'attaccapanni.
Put the coat on the hanger.
Mi chiedo quale sia la strada più breve.
I wonder which way is the shortest.
Mi ha dato precise istruzioni per fare il lavoro.
He gave me precise instructions to do the job.
Porta le borse al piano di sopra.
Take the bags upstairs.
Questa è la strada per il parco.
This is the way to the park.
Questa strada collega le due città.
This road connects the two cities.
Scendi dal prato!
Get off the lawn!
Scivola giù per la collina mentre distribuisci il tuo peso in modo equo su entrambi gli sci.
Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.
Sedetevi in cerchio.
Sit in a circle.
Usa la mappa per trovare la destinazione.
Use the map to find the destination.
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