Italian Sentences About Games
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 intermediate Italian sentences all about "Games" on Clozemaster. Designed to boost your language skills, these sentences come complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations for seamless learning. Perfect for learners looking to expand their mastery of Italian phrases, this resource is ideal for practicing real-world Italian in a fun, engaging way. Dive into the world of games while building linguistic proficiency by listening, understanding, and repeating these Italian sentences. Strengthen your intermediate Italian comprehension effortlessly and make your language learning experience more interactive today.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo fatto una battaglia di palle di neve.
We had a snowball fight.
Abbiamo giocato una partita a scacchi.
We played a game of chess.
Amo giocare a solitario.
I love playing solitaire.
Facciamo una partita a squash.
Let's play a game of squash.
Giocare a go è la mia unica ricreazione.
Playing go is my only recreation.
Gioco ai giochi da tavolo solo per socializzare.
I play board games just to socialize.
Grazie alla tua stupidità, abbiamo perso la partita.
Thanks to your stupidity, we lost the game.
Ha vinto al gioco delle dama.
He won at the game of checker.
Ho vinto alla lotteria.
I won the lottery.
I bambini giocano con la sabbia sulle spiagge.
Children play with sand at beaches.
I giocatori d'azzardo amano correre rischi.
Gamblers enjoy taking risks.
La partita era appena iniziata quando hanno segnato il primo punto.
The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.
L'ho battuto a golf.
I beat him at golf.
Lo scopo di questo gioco è far esplodere tutte le bombe sullo schermo.
The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen.
Lui può battere chiunque a scacchi.
He can beat anyone at chess.
Prendi una carta.
Take a card.
Quali squadre stavano giocando?
What teams were playing?
Signore e signori, iniziate il gioco.
Ladies and gentlemen, start the game.
Tom ha battuto Mary a dama.
Tom beat Mary at checkers.
Tom ha completato il puzzle.
Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.
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