Italian Sentences About Possibility and Certainty

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Explore the world of possibility and certainty in Italian with our curated list of 20 Italian sentences designed to elevate your intermediate Italian vocabulary. On this Clozemaster page, each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensuring you grasp both pronunciation and meaning. These carefully selected Italian phrases provide practical examples that will enhance your language proficiency and encourage fluency. Perfect for those looking to practice and master the nuances of Italian sentences, our resource is an essential tool for language enthusiasts aiming to bridge the gap between beginner and advanced Italian communication skills.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Deve essere il postino.

    It must be the postman.

  • Deve essere innocente.

    He must be innocent.

  • Deve essere vero.

    It must be true.

  • È possibile che arriveremo in ritardo.

    It's possible we'll arrive late.

  • In ogni probabilità, pioverà questo pomeriggio.

    In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.

  • I robot possono sopportare condizioni pericolose.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • La possibilità sembra improbabile.

    The possibility seems unlikely.

  • Le barche possono affondare.

    Boats can sink.

  • Lui possedeva una grande casa e due auto.

    He possessed a large house and two cars.

  • Non c'è modo di prevedere cosa potrebbe accadere.

    There is no predicting what may happen.

  • Posso dimostrarlo.

    I can prove it.

  • Poteva fare profezie e queste si sarebbero sempre avverate.

    He could make prophecies and they would always come true.

  • Potrei non laurearmi.

    I may not graduate.

  • Prevedo che ci saranno problemi nella loro spedizione.

    I anticipate that there will be problems on their expedition.

  • Questa casa corre il rischio di crollare.

    This house runs the risk of collapsing.

  • Questo sembra rischioso.

    This seems risky.

  • Si brucerà.

    It will burn.

  • So come è scritto.

    I know how it is written.

  • Tom conosceva i rischi.

    Tom knew the risks.

  • Tu puoi andare ovunque tu voglia.

    You can go wherever you want.

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