Italian Sentences About Feeling

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's expertly curated list of 20 sentences centered around the theme of "Feeling". Perfect for learners aiming to master intermediate Italian, this page offers a unique combination of Italian sentences paired with English translations to deepen your understanding. Each phrase is accompanied by text-to-speech audio, allowing you to perfect your pronunciation and listening skills. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Italy or enhancing your language toolkit, these Italian phrases are essential for expressing emotions and connecting with native speakers. Explore now to boost your fluency and confidence in Italian conversation.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aveva un presentimento sul mistero.

    He had a hunch about the mystery.

  • Dalla lettura di buoni libri possiamo trarre piacere.

    From reading good books we can derive pleasure.

  • Dopo la malattia, si sentiva debole.

    After the illness, he felt weak.

  • Era sull'orlo di piangere.

    She was on the verge of crying.

  • Ho bisogno di un respiro.

    I need a breather.

  • Il mio cuore sta battendo forte.

    My heart is pounding.

  • Io rabbrividisco quando ho freddo.

    I shudder when I'm cold.

  • La combinazione lascia un cattivo sapore in bocca.

    The combination leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Lei si sentiva soddisfatta della sua decisione.

    She felt content with her decision.

  • Lui si sente a casa.

    He feels at home.

  • Mi sento assonnato dopo una lunga giornata.

    I feel sleepy after a long day.

  • Mi sento rigenerato.

    I feel refreshed.

  • Mi sento un po' nauseato dopo la corsa.

    I feel a bit queasy after the ride.

  • Mi sono sentito rinato.

    I felt reborn.

  • Potrei vivere qui tranquillamente.

    I could live peacefully here.

  • Rinfrescati con una tazza di tè.

    Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

  • Sembri incerto.

    You look unsure.

  • Si svegliò sentendosi disorientato e confuso.

    He woke up feeling disoriented and confused.

  • Spero di superare il test domani.

    I am hoping to pass the test tomorrow.

  • Voglio tornare a casa.

    I want to go home.

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