Italian Sentences About Sports
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 engaging sentences about "Sports" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers a dynamic way to expand your language skills. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, helping you master pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're aiming to boost your understanding of Italian sentences or familiarize yourself with common Italian phrases about sports, this collection is an excellent resource. Transform your learning experience with Clozemaster and elevate your confidence in Italian conversation by exploring relevant, practical vocabulary.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
ร molto aggressivo quando gioca a sport.
He is very aggressive when playing sports.
ร stato un gioco sporco.
It was a foul play.
ร un buon atleta.
He is a good athlete.
Facciamo una partita a squash.
Let's play a game of squash.
Hanno vinto la Coppa del Giappone per tre anni di seguito.
They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.
La squadra di calcio di mio figlio ha vinto la partita.
My son's football team won the game.
La sua previsione per la partita era sbagliata.
His prediction for the game was wrong.
Lei riusciva a malapena a camminare dopo aver corso.
She could barely walk after running.
Lei sta vincendo la gara.
She is winning the race.
L'ho battuto a golf.
I beat him at golf.
Lui รจ riuscito a vincere la gara.
He succeeded in winning the race.
Lui partecipa spesso a competizioni sportive.
He often participates in sports competitions.
Mi sono fatto male al polpaccio giocando a pallacanestro.
I injured my calf playing basketball.
Ron ama surfare.
Ron likes surfing.
Sei appassionato di golf?
Are you fond of golf?
Si innervosiscono mentre guardano il basket.
They get nervous while watching basketball.
Ti piace il bowling?
Do you like bowling?
Tom ama il lacrosse.
Tom likes lacrosse.
Tom ha vinto il campionato.
Tom won the championship.
Voi due siete il nucleo della squadra.
You two are the nucleus of the team.
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