Italian Sentences About Plants
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Welcome to Clozemaster’s expertly curated page featuring 20 engaging Italian sentences about plants, perfect for boosting your Italian vocabulary. Designed to enhance your language skills, each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're seeking to expand your repertoire of Italian phrases or aiming to solidify your understanding of intermediate Italian, this resource is ideal. Immerse yourself in nature-themed vocabulary and hone your pronunciation for authentic communication. Explore these Italian sentences and take a significant step toward fluency with Clozemaster, your trusted companion in mastering the Italian language.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo trovato molte piante strane in un giardino botanico.
We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.
Annaffia le piante.
Water the plants.
Chi ha piantato l'albero?
Who planted the tree?
Ci sono piante che respingono gli insetti.
There are plants that repel insects.
Coltiva le tue verdure a casa.
Grow your own vegetables at home.
Come odore ha il garofano?
What do carnations smell like?
Ho piantato un seme nel giardino.
I planted a seed in the garden.
Il cioccolato è fatto con i semi di cacao.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.
La botanica si occupa dello studio delle piante.
Botany deals with the study of plants.
Le foglie cambiano colore in autunno.
Leaves change color in the autumn.
Le rose nel giardino stanno sbocciando.
The roses in the garden are blooming.
Le vecchie piante alla fine muoiono.
Old plants eventually die.
Mia nonna ha molta vegetazione che cresce spontaneamente.
My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.
Nel campo furono seminate le sementi.
Seeds were sown in the field.
Pianta questi semi prima che arrivi l'estate.
Plant these seeds before summer sets in.
Questi fiori dovrebbero essere riparati dalla pioggia.
These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.
Questo è un fiore?
Is this a flower?
Qui coltiviamo il grano.
We grow wheat here.
Sto piantando un albero di arancio.
I am planting an orange tree.
Tom ha annaffiato i fiori.
Tom watered the flowers.
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