Italian Sentences About Hobbies
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Hobbies" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate learners, these engaging Italian sentences are crafted to improve your understanding of everyday Italian phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to perfect your pronunciation, and English translations to deepen your comprehension. Whether you're brushing up on common Italian phrases or expanding your intermediate Italian skill set, this resource is designed to make learning seamless and effective. Dive into the world of Italian vocabulary and elevate your language learning journey with Clozemaster.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Bob si diverte a fare sport.
Bob enjoys playing sports.
È un abile yogi.
He is a skilled yogi.
Fare il giocolare è in realtà molto più facile di quanto sembri.
Juggling is actually a lot easier than it looks.
Gioco ai videogiochi.
I play video games.
Ha suonato una sonata.
She played a sonata.
Ho suonato l'organetto.
I played the accordion.
Il videogioco emozionante ha catturato tutta la mia attenzione.
The thrilling video game took all my attention.
Io suonavo il trombone.
I used to play the trombone.
La nonna ha sempre amato lavorare a maglia per noi.
Grandma always loved knitting for us.
Lei ama dipingere alla luce del giorno.
She loves painting in the daylight.
Lei ama guardare le gare di pony.
She loves watching the ponies race.
Lei suona il flauto.
She plays the flute.
Le piace fare il pane.
She likes to make bread.
Liam vuole recitare nella pièce.
Liam wants to act in the play.
Lui ama andare in bicicletta al mattino.
He loves cycling in the morning.
Lui è un drogato di fumetti.
He's a junkie for comic books.
Mio marito e io andavamo spesso a fare alpinismo insieme.
My hubby and I used to go mountain climbing together.
Sai come giocolare?
Do you know how to juggle?
Siamo stati al museo.
We visited the museum.
Tom di solito legge solo i titoli.
Tom usually only reads the headlines.
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