Italian Sentences About House

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Unlock the door to mastering intermediate Italian with Clozemaster’s curated list of 20 sentences all about "House." Perfect for expanding your Italian vocabulary, each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, ensuring a robust learning experience. Whether you're looking to incorporate more Italian phrases into your daily conversation or aiming to boost your comprehension skills, this comprehensive collection is designed to meet your needs. Ideal for learners seeking targeted practice with Italian sentences, our resource is your key to language improvement. Dive in and start enriching your Italian vocabulary with everyday topics!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abbiamo firmato un contratto per la casa.

    We signed a contract for the house.

  • È molto difficile mantenere puliti i tappeti bianchi.

    White carpets are very hard to keep clean.

  • È una bella giornata per tagliare l'erba.

    It's a nice day for mowing the lawn.

  • Hai chiuso a chiave la porta?

    Did you lock the door?

  • Hanno posto le fondamenta della casa.

    They laid the foundation of the house.

  • I fazzoletti sono nel cassetto.

    The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.

  • I pavimenti in marmo sono bellissimi.

    Marble floors are beautiful.

  • La camera da letto era carica di bellissimi ornamenti.

    The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

  • La casa si è sgretolata.

    The house caved in.

  • La nostra casa è su quella cresta.

    Our house is on that ridge.

  • Mi ha dato un bicchiere di acqua.

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • Questa casa ha molto valore.

    This house has a lot of value.

  • Questa casa ha tre bagni.

    This house has three bathrooms.

  • Sento un forte attaccamento a questa casa.

    I feel a strong attachment to this house.

  • Stiamo costruendo la tua casa in conformità ai tuoi desideri.

    We are building your house in compliance with your wishes.

  • Tom dorme su un divano che si trasforma in un letto.

    Tom sleeps on a sofa that converts into a bed.

  • Tom è sul retro portico.

    Tom is on the back porch.

  • Tom è sul tetto.

    Tom is on the roof.

  • Tom ha aggiunto una stanza alla sua casa.

    Tom added a room to his house.

  • Viviamo in due case separate.

    We live in two separate houses.

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