Italian Sentences About Languages

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page dedicated to boosting your Italian vocabulary with 20 carefully curated sentences about "Languages" in Italian. Designed for intermediate Italian learners, each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations to enhance your listening and comprehension skills. These engaging Italian sentences and phrases are perfect for expanding your language mastery and gaining confidence in everyday conversations. Explore the nuances of Italian expressions and improve your proficiency with our practical examples. Dive in now and elevate your intermediate Italian to the next level with our expertly crafted language tools.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Come si pronuncia la parola?

    How is the word pronounced?

  • Confronta la tua traduzione con la sua.

    Compare your translation with his.

  • Cosa significa questa parola?

    What does this word mean?

  • Dovresti perseverare nei tuoi sforzi per imparare l'inglese.

    You should persist in your efforts to learn English.

  • Ha spiegato il significato letterale della frase.

    She explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

  • Ho recentemente iniziato a imparare lo spagnolo.

    I recently started learning Spanish.

  • Imparare il finlandese richiede tempo.

    Learning Finnish takes time.

  • La cultura distrugge le lingue.

    Culture destroys languages.

  • Lei parla con un accento irlandese.

    She speaks with an Irish accent.

  • Lui parla perfettamente l'inglese.

    He speaks English perfectly.

  • Lui sta imparando lo spagnolo per lavoro.

    He is learning Spanish for work.

  • Mi piace parlare gallese.

    I like speaking Welsh.

  • Parla molto bene l'inglese.

    He is such a good English speaker.

  • Parli fluentemente l'inglese.

    You speak fluent English.

  • Per favore, correggi la mia pronuncia.

    Please correct my pronunciation.

  • Questa parola รจ composta da una sillaba.

    This word is made up of one syllable.

  • Questa parola ha due significati.

    This word has two meanings.

  • Queste traduzioni non catturano il significato originale.

    These translations don't capture the original meaning.

  • Tom insegna il francese.

    Tom teaches French.

  • Tutti sanno parlare bene il francese in Tunisia.

    Everyone can speak French well in Tunisia.

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