Italian Sentences About Transportation

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Transportation" in Italian, designed to enhance your Italian vocabulary. Perfect for learners seeking to master Italian phrases, this compilation provides text-to-speech audio and English translations for every sentence, offering an interactive way to learn. Whether you’re at an intermediate Italian level or just starting out, these practical Italian sentences will help you communicate more effectively. Discover essential vocabulary that covers various transportation scenarios and improve your fluency in real-life contexts. Dive into the world of Italian language learning with Clozemaster and elevate your linguistic proficiency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • C'è abbondante spazio per un'altra macchina.

    There is ample room for another car.

  • Due camion si sono scontrati.

    Two trucks bumped together.

  • Fai il pendolare per andare a scuola in autobus?

    Do you commute to school by bus?

  • Ha girato il volante a destra.

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • Ho avuto una foratura al pneumatico.

    I got a flat tire.

  • Il bus stava dirigendosi a nord.

    The bus was heading north.

  • Il camion era carico di merci.

    The lorry was loaded with goods.

  • Il costo di costruzione della ferrovia era molto elevato.

    The cost of building the railroad was very high.

  • La nave è stata persa in mare.

    The vessel was lost at sea.

  • L'asse è rotto.

    The axle is broken.

  • L'atterraggio è stato perfetto.

    The landing was perfect.

  • La tua bicicletta è molto più nuova della mia.

    Your bicycle is much newer than mine.

  • Le ruote si sono tutte sporcate di fango.

    The wheels got all muddy.

  • Le stazioni televisive utilizzano elicotteri per segnalare il traffico.

    News stations use helicopters to report on traffic.

  • L'ho vista alla stazione.

    I saw her at the station.

  • Prendo questa strada per andare a scuola.

    I take this route to school.

  • Questa macchina è spaziosa e pratica.

    This car is spacious and practical.

  • Questa strada conduce a Hong Kong.

    This road leads to Hong Kong.

  • Questo aeroporto è facilmente raggiungibile in autobus.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Siamo incappati in loro alla stazione degli autobus.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

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