Italian Sentences About Crime

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Enhance your Italian language skills with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 Italian sentences about "Crime". Perfect for intermediate learners, these sentences are designed to boost your Italian vocabulary and comprehension. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Whether you're interested in mastering Italian phrases or expanding your knowledge of Italian sentences, this resource offers an engaging and effective way to improve your language proficiency. Dive into this rich collection of Italian vocabulary and start speaking with confidence today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • È stato arrestato per sabotaggio.

    He was arrested for sabotage.

  • Gli ho messo le manette.

    I put handcuffs on him.

  • Hanno dissotterrato una scatola contenente resti umani.

    They dug up a box containing human remains.

  • Il bambino scomparso è stato ricercato dalla polizia.

    The missing child was sought by police.

  • Il colpevole ha lasciato indizi ovunque.

    The guilty left hints everywhere.

  • Il crimine sta aumentando.

    Crime is increasing.

  • Il ladro è stato catturato questa mattina.

    The thief was apprehended this morning.

  • Il ladro ha rubato il mio portafoglio.

    The thief stole my wallet.

  • Il prigioniero è stato liberato dopo 10 anni.

    The prisoner was set free after 10 years.

  • La polizia ha arrestato i malviventi.

    The police arrested the crooks.

  • La sicurezza del sistema è stata violata.

    The system's security was compromised.

  • La telecamera ha ripreso l'uomo rubare nel negozio.

    The camera caught the man stealing in the store.

  • Le prove sono state mostrate in tribunale.

    Evidence was shown in court.

  • L'hanno segnalato alle autorità.

    They reported it to the authorities.

  • Mary ha regalato a Tom una scatola di cioccolatini corretti al veleno.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Si dice che lei sia una borseggiatrice.

    Rumor says that she is a pickpocket.

  • Tom è scomparso senza lasciare traccia.

    Tom disappeared without a trace.

  • Tom è stato attirato in una trappola.

    Tom was lured into a trap.

  • Tom è stato condannato all'ergastolo.

    Tom was sentenced to life in prison.

  • Tom ha simulato la sua morte.

    Tom faked his death.

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