Italian Sentences About Position / Location

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Boost your intermediate Italian skills with Clozemaster’s curated collection of 20 sentences focusing on "Position / Location". Designed to enhance your Italian vocabulary through practical examples, our list features Italian sentences with accompanying English translations and text-to-speech audio. These Italian phrases are perfect for language learners looking to master commonly used expressions in real-life settings. Whether you're navigating the streets of Rome or simply expanding your vocabulary, this comprehensive resource is an essential tool for improving your language proficiency. Explore the page now and elevate your understanding of Italian sentences efficiently and effectively.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • C'era un registratore di nastri sul tavolo.

    There was a tape recorder on the table.

  • C'è un ostello a due chilometri dalla stazione.

    There is a hostel two kilometers from the station.

  • Dov'è la cassetta delle lettere?

    Where is the mailbox?

  • È più caldo dentro?

    Is it any warmer inside?

  • Il bagno è al piano di sotto.

    The bathroom is downstairs.

  • Il prete vive vicino alla chiesa.

    The priest lives near the church.

  • John si siede accanto a Jack.

    John sits by Jack.

  • La bicicletta si inclina verso destra prima di girare a destra.

    The bike leans to the right before turning right.

  • La camera da letto più grande è rivolta a sud.

    The largest bedroom faces south.

  • La mia stanza è al quarto piano.

    My room is on the fourth floor.

  • Lei mette il libro sullo scaffale.

    She puts the book on the shelf.

  • Lei si sedette dall'altro lato.

    She sat on the other side.

  • L'orologio è appeso al muro.

    The clock is on the wall.

  • Lo tengo in soffitta.

    I keep it in the attic.

  • Mi trovo nel mezzo del cortile della scuola.

    I am standing in the middle of the schoolyard.

  • Tom è nel seminterrato.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Tom è seduto sulla riva del fiume da ore.

    Tom has been sitting on the riverbank for hours.

  • Vidi una barca a monte del ponte.

    I saw a boat upstream of the bridge.

  • Vivo al quinto piano.

    I live on the fifth floor.

  • Vivono lì.

    They live there.

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