Italian Sentences About Festivals

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 Italian sentences about festivals, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers a practical approach to mastering Italian phrases and understanding cultural contexts. Each sentence is designed to deepen your language skills and boost your confidence in using Italian during real-world conversations. Whether you're planning to attend a festival in Italy or simply enrich your Italian lexicon, these sentences provide a valuable resource. Dive into the festive spirit of Italy and advance your intermediate Italian proficiency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cosa stiamo festeggiando?

    What are we celebrating?

  • È uno dei più grandi festival musicali estivi.

    It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

  • Gli spagnoli sono conosciuti per le loro feste.

    The Spaniards are known for their festivals.

  • I fuochi d'artificio sono finiti con una forte esplosione.

    The fireworks ended with a loud explosion.

  • Il festival è giunto al termine.

    The festival came to an end.

  • Il festival si svolge ogni primavera.

    The festival occurs every spring.

  • Il tintinnio delle campane riempiva l'aria.

    The jingle of bells filled the air.

  • John è il padrone di casa della festa.

    John is the host of the party.

  • La festa di compleanno entusiasma i bambini.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • La festa è stata molto piacevole.

    The party was very enjoyable.

  • La parata presentava molte bandiere colorate.

    The parade featured many colorful flags.

  • La tradizione è stata risuscitata dopo anni.

    The tradition was resurrected after years.

  • Lui si sta preparando per i Giochi Olimpici di quest'anno.

    He is preparing for the Olympic Games this year.

  • Migliaia di candele hanno illuminato la chiesa durante la cerimonia.

    Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.

  • Molti asiatici celebrano il Capodanno Lunare.

    Many Asians celebrate the Lunar New Year.

  • Noi festeggiamo il Natale con la famiglia.

    We celebrate Christmas with family.

  • Non tutti i brasiliani amano il Carnevale.

    Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnaval.

  • Questa è un'occasione speciale.

    This is a special occasion.

  • Questo weekend andremo al carnevale.

    We're going to the carnival this weekend.

  • Si sono riuniti per commemorare la vittoria.

    They gathered to commemorate the victory.

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