Italian Sentences About Numbers
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Boost your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's collection of 20 engaging sentences about "Numbers" in Italian. Perfect for learners at an intermediate Italian level, these sentences are carefully curated to enhance your understanding and fluency. Each Italian sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio, allowing you to master pronunciation effortlessly. With English translations provided, you'll easily grasp the context and meaning of each phrase. Whether you're focusing on Italian phrases or seeking to enrich your Italian sentences repertoire, this resource is an invaluable tool for language learners looking to advance their skills and confidence in conversational Italian.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo tre aerei.
We have three planes.
A bordo ci sono quarantotto marinai.
Forty-eight sailors are on board.
Appendo due orologi in cucina.
I hang two clocks in the kitchen.
C'erano due pezzi di torta.
There were two pieces of cake.
Ci sono miliardi di stelle nel cielo.
There are billions of stars in the sky.
Ci sono tredici persone nella stanza.
There are thirteen people in the room.
Ci sono tremila barili di vino sulla nave.
There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship.
Ho sei mele.
I have six apples.
Ho visto cinque uomini.
I saw five men.
Il tre รจ il mio numero preferito.
Three is my favorite number.
Lui fu la decima persona ad arrivare.
He was the tenth person to arrive.
Lui ha quattro telefoni cellulari.
He has four mobile phones.
Quanti cifre ha quel numero?
How many digits does that number have?
Quanti esseri umani vivono sulla Terra?
How many human beings live on Earth?
Quanti giorni ci sono in un anno bisestile?
How many days are there in a leap year?
Quanti tentacoli ha un polpo?
How many tentacles does an octopus have?
Questa casa ha tre bagni.
This house has three bathrooms.
Sessanta delegati sono stati eletti.
Sixty delegates were elected.
Siamo undici in tutto.
We are eleven in all.
Tutte le cose belle vengono in tre.
All good things come in threes.
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