Italian Sentences About Relationships
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's collection of 20 curated Italian sentences about "Relationships". Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers a comprehensive selection of phrases designed to deepen your understanding of relationship-related vocabulary. Each sentence comes equipped with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, as well as English translations for total comprehension. Whether you're looking to engage in meaningful conversations or simply expand your Italian phrases repertoire, these sentences provide the ideal practice. Explore our expertly crafted content and take your language skills to the next level with these engaging Italian sentences.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anna ha rivelato di essere lesbica.
Anna revealed she's a lesbian.
Apprezzo il tuo supporto.
I appreciate your support.
Bob si lamentò con il suo amico.
Bob complained to his friend.
Ha molti conoscenti.
He has a lot of acquaintances.
Ho raccontato il segreto a Tom.
I told the secret to Tom.
Il tuo egoismo ti farà perdere i tuoi amici.
Your selfishness will lose you your friends.
Io mi fido di lei.
I trust her.
La coppia si abbracciò strettamente.
The couple embraced each other tightly.
Lei gli stava nascondendo un segreto.
She was concealing a secret from him.
Lei ha tradito la sua fiducia.
She betrayed his trust.
Lo vedo raramente.
I see him rarely.
Lui la desidera più di chiunque altro.
He fancies her more than anyone.
Lui mi tratta come un bambino.
He treats me as a child.
Mary ha regalato a Tom una scatola di cioccolatini corretti al veleno.
Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.
Mi rifiuto di farmi ingannare dalla sua astuzia.
I refuse to be taken in by her guile.
Nessuno si fida più di lui.
No one trusts him anymore.
Presto smetterai di pensare a lei.
You will soon cease to think of her.
Tom ha due fidanzate.
Tom has two girlfriends.
Tom ha segretamente contattato Mary.
Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.
Tu sei mio amico.
You are my friend.
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