Italian Sentences About Weather
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Enhance your mastery of Italian with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 weather-related sentences. Perfect for learners looking to expand their Italian vocabulary, this page offers carefully chosen Italian sentences paired with English translations and text-to-speech audio. Ideal for intermediate Italian learners, these phrases will help you understand and articulate common weather expressions in real-life situations. Whether you're practicing conversational skills or aiming for fluency, these sentences will improve your comprehension and retention of essential Italian phrases. Dive into the world of weather expressions and elevate your Italian language skills with Clozemaster's interactive learning resources.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
È meglio che tu indossi un impermeabile.
You had better put on a raincoat.
Era una notte buia.
It was a dark night.
Ha piovuto per una settimana.
It rained for a week.
Il cielo era deprimentemente nuvoloso oggi.
The sky was depressingly cloudy today.
Il fulmine precede il tuono.
Lightning precedes thunder.
Il sole è emerso da dietro le nuvole.
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
Il vento soffiò tutta la notte.
The wind blew all night long.
La forza del vento era potente.
The force of the wind was powerful.
L'alba era incredibilmente bella.
The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.
La partita di calcio è stata accorciata dalla pioggia.
The football game was shortened by rain.
La pioggia è stata continua per tutto il giorno.
The rain was continuous all day.
La tempesta sta arrivando.
The storm is coming.
Le persone sono state evacuate a causa dell'alluvione.
The people were evacuated because of the flood.
Oggi è il giorno più caldo di quest'anno.
Today is the hottest day this year.
Oggi il tempo è bello.
Today the weather is nice.
Quando mi svegliai, stava nevicando.
When I awoke, it was snowing.
Questi fiori dovrebbero essere riparati dalla pioggia.
These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.
Stavamo sudando al caldo.
We were sweating in the heat.
Una nuvola fluttuava attraverso il cielo.
A cloud floated across the sky.
Un meteorologo è qualcuno con cui il tempo non è sempre d'accordo.
A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.
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