Italian Sentences About Describing People
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Boost your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Describing People" in Italian, designed for intermediate learners. Each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio for accurate pronunciation and includes English translations to enhance your understanding. These practical Italian sentences and phrases are perfect for expanding your language skills and providing context to common conversational themes. Whether you're looking to describe appearances, personalities, or emotions, our comprehensive resource will elevate your learning journey. Dive into the world of intermediate Italian and refine your communication skills with Clozemaster today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
A quale dei tuoi genitori assomigli?
Which of your parents do you resemble?
È molto franco nel suo modo di fare.
He is very blunt in his manner.
È molto intelligente per un bambino di cinque anni.
He's very smart for a five-year-old.
Era davvero una persona molto gentile.
He was indeed a very kind person.
Ho sospettato che fosse un bugiardo.
I suspected he was a liar.
Il ragazzo è snello.
The boy is slim.
Indossava diamanti scintillanti.
She was wearing sparkling diamonds.
I tuoi occhi hanno un certo magnetismo.
Your eyes have a certain magnetism.
Lei è molto attenta e paziente.
She is very thoughtful and patient.
Le sue guance sono bellissime e rosate.
She has beautiful rosy cheeks.
Lui è molto saggio, contrariamente alla credenza popolare.
He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.
L'uomo è un completo cretino.
The man is a complete blockhead.
Mary è snella e alta.
Mary is lean and tall.
Mi sentivo leggero come una piuma.
I felt light as a feather.
Oggi sembrava insolitamente pallido.
He looked unusually pale today.
Possiamo solo conoscere la sua età approssimativa.
We can only know her approximate age.
Queste tre belle ragazze sono tutte mie nipoti.
These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.
Sono un nuotatore veloce.
I am a fast swimmer.
Tom è più coraggioso di me.
Tom is braver than I am.
Tom è veloce come un leopardo.
Tom is as fast as a leopard.
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