Italian Sentences About Technology

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Welcome to Clozemaster's Italian learning page, your go-to resource for enhancing your Italian vocabulary through practical sentences about "Technology." This carefully curated list features 20 Italian sentences, each equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations, perfect for intermediate Italian learners aiming to deepen their language proficiency. These Italian phrases cover essential technology-related terms, helping you become more fluent and confident in using Italian. Whether you're brushing up on technical vocabulary or seeking everyday conversational phrases, this page is designed to support your language journey, making learning engaging and effective. Start mastering intermediate Italian today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • AI significa Intelligenza Artificiale.

    AI means Artificial Intelligence.

  • Dovrebbe esserci una legge contro l'hacking informatico.

    There should be a law against computer hacking.

  • Ha creato un robot.

    He made a robot.

  • Hanno collegato l'antenna della radio?

    Have they connected the radio antenna?

  • Hanno sviluppato computer sofisticati.

    They have developed sophisticated computers.

  • Il database ha restituito un valore nullo per quel campo.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • Il mio amico sta progettando un'interfaccia utente per il nuovo sistema operativo.

    My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.

  • Il tuo computer si riavvierà diverse volte durante l'installazione.

    Your computer will restart several times during installation.

  • La mia batteria è scarica!

    My battery is low!

  • La nuova configurazione ha migliorato il sistema.

    The new configuration improved the system.

  • La trasmissione delle informazioni è stata interrotta.

    The transmission of information was disrupted.

  • Lui è autorizzato ad accedere ai file.

    He is authorized to access files.

  • Lui ha quattro telefoni cellulari.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • Metti il disco nel computer.

    Put the disk in the computer.

  • Per favore, collega un controller.

    Please connect a controller.

  • Premi il pulsante rosso per iniziare.

    Press the red button to start.

  • Questo distributore automatico è fuori servizio.

    This vending machine is out of order.

  • Se non hai questo programma, puoi scaricarlo ora.

    If you do not have this program, you can download it now.

  • Stai registrando?

    Are you recording this?

  • Tom ha comprato una macchina fotografica e un treppiede.

    Tom bought a camera and a tripod.

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