Italian Sentences About Government

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Italian sentences about "Government" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, making it an ideal resource for improving your language skills. Delve into these Italian phrases to grasp the nuances of government-related vocabulary. Whether you're looking to boost your Italian sentences knowledge or seeking real-world phrases to refine your linguistic prowess, this page offers a comprehensive tool for expanding your intermediate Italian lexicon effectively. Explore and become more proficient in Italian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abbiamo eletto lui presidente.

    We elected him president.

  • Governare un paese non è un compito facile.

    To govern a country is not an easy job.

  • Hai un obbligo di votare.

    You have an obligation to vote.

  • Il discorso del sindaco è stato trasmesso in pubblico.

    The mayor's speech was broadcast in public.

  • Il paese è governato dal presidente.

    The country is governed by the president.

  • Il popolo si ribellò contro il re.

    The people rebelled against the king.

  • Il presidente dichiara aperta la sessione.

    The president declares the session open.

  • In una democrazia, è importante che il giornalismo sia indipendente.

    In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent.

  • La nuova legge è stata imposta sul popolo dell'isola.

    The new law was enforced on the people of the island.

  • Le bandiere del mondo sventolano orgogliosamente presso la sede delle Nazioni Unite.

    Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

  • Le persone stanno protestando fuori dal municipio.

    People are protesting outside the city hall.

  • L'uguaglianza è garantita dalla Costituzione.

    Equality is guaranteed by the Constitution.

  • Lui parla sempre del governo con disprezzo.

    He always speaks of the government with contempt.

  • Mi chiedo come un governo potrebbe procedere a misurare la felicità nazionale lorda.

    I wonder how a government would go about measuring gross national happiness.

  • Molti senatori si opposero ad esso.

    Many senators opposed it.

  • Noi riceviamo denaro dal governo.

    We receive money from the government.

  • Sam è stato arruolato nell'esercito.

    Sam was drafted into the military.

  • Tom lavora per le Nazioni Unite.

    Tom works for the United Nations.

  • Tu eleggi il tuo rappresentante votando.

    You elect your representative by voting.

  • Un osservatorio regionale sarà incaricato di monitorare l'esecuzione del piano.

    A regional observatory will be directed to monitor the execution of the plan.

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