Italian Sentences About Money
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Money" in Italian, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Designed for intermediate Italian learners, this Clozemaster page offers an engaging way to master essential Italian phrases and improve your language skills. Each sentence is strategically selected to help you understand and use common money-related terms, making it an excellent resource for those aiming to expand their Italian vocabulary. Dive into a rich linguistic experience and start learning practical Italian sentences today—perfect for conversational fluency and beyond.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aveva con sé solo cento yen.
He had only one hundred yen with him.
Devo pagare il conto.
I need to pay the bill.
Ha tirato fuori delle monete.
He took out some coins.
Ho pagato le mie bollette.
I paid my bills.
Il costo della vita è aumentato drasticamente.
The cost of life increased drastically.
Il franco è utilizzato in Svizzera.
The franc is used in Switzerland.
Il milionario ha insistito nel acquisire il capolavoro, non importa quanto costasse.
The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost.
In nessun caso possiamo accettare assegni.
Under no circumstances can we accept checks.
La banca addebita spese mensili.
The bank charges monthly fees.
La maggior parte dei soldi è stata spesa.
The greater part of the money was spent.
Lei è rimasta all'interno del suo budget.
She stayed within her budget.
Lei ha ereditato una grande fortuna.
She inherited a large fortune.
Lui ha trovato un dollaro per terra.
He found a dollar on the ground.
Quanto costa?
How much does it cost?
Quanto costa il biglietto d'ingresso?
How much is the entrance fee?
Questo diamante costa una fortuna.
This diamond costs a fortune.
Si stanno dividendo il conto in parti uguali.
They're splitting the bill equally.
Sono in difficoltà finanziarie.
I am in financial difficulties.
Stava affogando nel debito delle carte di credito.
He was drowning in credit card debt.
Tom ha dato una mancia al tassista.
Tom tipped the cab driver.
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