Italian Sentences About Driving
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our collection of 20 engaging sentences about "Driving" in Italian, designed for intermediate learners. This page on Clozemaster offers a unique learning experience, featuring Italian sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're brushing up on Italian phrases or aiming to improve your reading and listening skills, these sentences are tailored to elevate your understanding of Italian in real-life contexts. Dive into the world of Italian conversation, and build confidence with practical vocabulary through our carefully curated content. Ideal for those passionate about mastering Italian sentences and beyond!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo parcheggiato l'auto nel garage.
We parked the car in the garage.
Ci sono sempre molti veicoli su questa strada.
There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.
Dovresti tenere il tuo parabrezza pulito.
You should keep your windshield clean.
Era prevenuto contro le donne al volante.
He was prejudiced against women drivers.
Guido un camion delle consegne.
I drive a delivery truck.
Ha cercato di evitare il traffico.
He tried to avoid the traffic.
Hai una patente di guida?
Do you have a driver's license?
Ha lasciato il motore acceso.
He left the motor running.
Ha premuto il pedale del freno.
He pressed the brake pedal.
Ho girato il mio volante a destra.
I turned my steering wheel to the right.
Ho premuto l'acceleratore con attenzione.
I stepped on the accelerator carefully.
I freni sono andati!
The brakes are gone!
Il parafango era gravemente ammaccato.
The fender was badly dented.
Le strade sono dissestate.
The roads are bumpy.
Lui guida al lavoro quotidianamente.
He drives to work daily.
Tom continuava a suonare il clacson.
Tom continued to honk the horn.
Tom ha premuto il freno.
Tom stepped on the brake.
Tom sta parcheggiando il furgone.
Tom is parking the van.
Trovare parcheggio in centro è così frustrante.
Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.
Una macchina bianca mi sta seguendo da due miglia.
A white car has been tailing me for the last two miles.
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