Italian Sentences About Making Plans

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Making Plans" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers practical Italian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations to boost comprehension and pronunciation skills. Whether you're planning your next trip to Italy or aiming to master conversational Italian, these sentences provide valuable, real-world context to strengthen your language proficiency. Discover how to effectively communicate your plans and arrangements in Italian, expanding both your vocabulary and confidence. Dive into these carefully selected Italian sentences and make your language goals a reality.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abbiamo pianificato diverse mete per le vacanze.

    We planned different destinations for vacation.

  • Abbiamo una babysitter per stasera?

    Do we have a babysitter for tonight?

  • Ci incontreremo qualche volta la prossima settimana.

    We'll meet sometime next week.

  • Festeggeremo il mio compleanno la prossima settimana.

    We will celebrate my birthday next week.

  • Ho trovato due biglietti per il concerto.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • Ho un appuntamento precedente.

    I have a previous appointment.

  • I miei piani per le vacanze sono entusiasmanti.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • Incontriamoci in cucina.

    Let's meet in the kitchen.

  • Lei ha modificato i suoi piani.

    She altered her plans.

  • Lei ha sempre un piano di riserva.

    She always has a backup plan.

  • Lei intende giocare a tennis.

    She intends to play tennis.

  • Lui invita sempre i suoi amici a cena.

    He always invites his friends for dinner.

  • Parliamo dei nostri piani.

    Let's talk about our plans.

  • Presto andremo in vacanza.

    We're going on a vacation soon.

  • Progetto di prendere un anno sabbatico prima di andare all'università.

    I plan to take a gap year before going to university.

  • Quando arriverai alla festa?

    When will you arrive at the party?

  • Stiamo finalizzando il layout oggi.

    We are finalizing the layout today.

  • Stiamo valutando tutti i pro e i contro prima di decidere cosa faremo.

    We are considering all the pros and cons before deciding what we will do.

  • Sto partendo proprio adesso.

    I am leaving right now.

  • Tom e Mary hanno visitato l'Europa del Nord.

    Tom and Mary visited Northern Europe.

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