Italian Sentences About Marriage
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Welcome to Clozemaster’s curated collection of 20 insightful sentences about "Marriage" in Italian, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners aiming to expand their Italian vocabulary, this page offers high-quality content to deepen your understanding of Italian sentences and phrases. Each selected sentence is designed to enhance your language proficiency by providing practical examples in context. Whether you're focusing on intermediate Italian or refining your conversational skills, these phrases will enrich your learning experience, making it easier to communicate effectively in Italian. Explore now to boost your Italian vocabulary and fluency.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Come è stata la tua luna di miele?
How was your honeymoon?
Il matrimonio spaventa alcune persone.
Marriage frightens some people.
I matrimoni sono costosi.
Weddings are expensive.
Jane rimase single fino ai suoi quarant'anni.
Jane remained unmarried into her forties.
La sposa era bellissima in bianco.
The bride looked beautiful in white.
La sposa era radiosa.
The bride was radiant.
Lei è mia moglie zingara.
She is my gypsy wife.
Lei era una damigella d'onore al matrimonio.
She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.
Lei è stata la sua amata moglie per anni.
She was his beloved wife for years.
Maria spesso immagina il suo matrimonio.
Mary often imagines her wedding.
Mia moglie voleva adottare un bambino.
My wife wanted to adopt a child.
Prenderesti in considerazione l'idea di sposarmi?
Would you consider marrying me?
Quanto tempo trascorri con il tuo coniuge?
How much time do you spend with your spouse?
Questa sposa sta coprendo il suo viso con un velo.
This bride is covering her face with a veil.
Romeo sposa Giulietta.
Romeo marries Juliet.
Si è sposata quando era un adolescente
She got married in her teens.
Si è sposato con un'assistente di volo.
He married a stewardess.
Sono stati sposati felicemente per anni.
They were in happy wedlock for years.
Tom era sposato al suo ritorno.
Tom was wed when he returned.
Tom ha problemi coniugali.
Tom has marital problems.
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