Italian Sentences About Music
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 engaging Italian sentences about "Music". Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource offers text-to-speech audio and precise English translations for each sentence, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. By exploring these carefully selected Italian phrases, you'll not only improve your comprehension but also your pronunciation and listening skills. Whether you're passionate about music or keen to expand your Italian understanding, these sentences provide a practical and enjoyable way to practice. Start mastering intermediate Italian today with Clozemaster’s authentic and immersive language tools.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aveva un interesse appassionato per la musica.
She had a passionate interest in music.
Cantiamo al karaoke stasera.
Let's sing at the karaoke tonight.
È un famoso compositore.
He is a famous composer.
Gli studenti di musica hanno bisogno di esercizio quotidiano.
Music students need daily practice.
Ha cantato una ballata malinconica.
He sang a mournful ballad.
Ha suonato il violino meravigliosamente.
He played the violin wonderfully.
Ha suonato una sonata.
She played a sonata.
Ho trovato due biglietti per il concerto.
I've got two tickets for the concert.
I suoi genitori decisero che lei avrebbe suonato il violoncello.
Her parents decided that she would play the cello.
Le cornamuse producono un suono molto strano.
Bagpipes produce a very strange sound.
Lei ama ascoltare la musica jazz.
She loves listening to jazz music.
Lui schiocca le dita a tempo.
He snapped his fingers to the beat.
Mi dispiace di non aver imparato a suonare il piano.
I regret not learning piano.
Mi piace davvero la musica classica!
I do like classical music!
Non ho ascoltato il coro di quella canzone.
I did not listen to the chorus of that song.
Riesci a cantare l'inno nazionale argentino?
Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem?
Tom divenne famoso come un violinista.
Tom became famous as a violinist.
Tom ha composto quel pezzo diversi anni fa.
Tom composed that piece several years ago.
Tom ha suonato alcune melodie al piano.
Tom played a few tunes on the piano.
Tom stava suonando la tromba.
Tom was playing the trumpet.
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