Italian Sentences About Safety
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Italian sentences about "Safety" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this page provides practical sentences featuring audio pronunciations and accurate English translations. Dive into authentic Italian phrases, each designed to deepen your understanding of everyday language and concepts. Whether you're honing your Italian phrases for travel or expanding your language skills, our carefully selected sentences serve as a valuable resource. Improve your comprehension and pronunciation by listening to native-speaker audio, ensuring you grasp each nuance of the Italian language. Explore our collection and enrich your Italian learning journey today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Dobbiamo essere vigili di notte.
We must be vigilant at night.
Fai attenzione ad attraversare la strada.
Be careful crossing the street.
Fai attenzione ai tuoi passi nelle stradine buie.
Watch your step in dark alleys.
Guarda le tue dita dei piedi.
Watch your toes.
Ha ignorato i nostri avvertimenti.
He ignored our warnings.
Il palazzo era pesantemente custodito.
The palace was heavily guarded.
La guardia di sicurezza è rimasta vigile tutta la notte.
The security guard remained watchful all night.
L'etichetta avverte che il contenuto della scatola è fragile.
The label warns that the contents of the box are fragile.
L'ho lasciato sbloccato.
I left it unlocked.
Lui conserva le sue pistole in una custodia.
He stores his pistols in a case.
Metti via le tue armi.
Put your guns away.
Nei cantieri edili, è obbligatorio indossare il casco protettivo in ogni momento.
On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times.
Non attraversare la strada senza guardare in entrambe le direzioni.
Do not cross the road without looking both ways.
Non far cadere il bicchiere.
Don't drop the glass.
Non utilizzare questo apparecchio vicino all'acqua.
Do not use this apparatus near water.
Prendi precauzioni.
Take precautions.
Questo posto è sicuro?
Is this place secure?
Siamo rimasti al chiuso durante le tempeste.
We stayed inside during the storms.
Tom allacciò la cintura di sicurezza.
Tom fastened his seatbelt.
Usalo con cautela.
Use it with caution.
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