Italian Sentences About Apologizing
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with our carefully curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Apologizing" in Italian, available on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners seeking to improve their intermediate Italian skills, each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. This resource is designed to help you master common Italian phrases and expressions, providing a practical and immersive experience. Whether you're aiming to boost your conversational fluency or expand your linguistic repertoire, these Italian sentences offer invaluable insights. Dive into the nuances of apologizing in Italian and elevate your proficiency with Clozemaster's engaging learning tools.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Dobbiamo ammettere che abbiamo commesso un errore.
We must concede that we committed an error.
Era imbarazzato di darti fastidio.
He was ashamed of troubling you.
Era sincero nelle sue scuse.
He was earnest in his apology.
È stata colpa mia.
It was my fault.
In relazione a questo, sono io il colpevole.
In relation to this, I am to blame.
Mi dispiace di averti imposto così tanto.
I am sorry I have imposed so much on you.
Mi scusi, per favore.
Pardon me, please.
Mi scuso per il disagio.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mi scuso per il ritardo.
I apologize for the delay.
Mi scuso per il ritardo nell'invio dell'ordine del giorno.
I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.
Mi scuso per l'interruzione.
Sorry for the interruption.
Mi scuso per l'intrusione.
Sorry for the intrusion.
Non avevo alcun diritto di interferire.
I had no right to interfere.
Non ho mai avuto l'intenzione di ingannarti.
I never meant to deceive you.
Forgive me!
Questo serve a chiarire il malinteso.
This is to clear up the misunderstanding.
Siamo spiacenti per il suo errore.
We are sorry for his mistake.
Si è scusato per i suoi peccati nei nostri confronti.
He apologized for his trespasses against us.
Ti devo una scusa.
I owe you an apology.
Tom ha ammesso di versare il vino rosso.
Tom admitted to spilling the red wine.
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