Japanese Sentences About Plants

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Embark on an exciting journey to enhance your Japanese vocabulary with our comprehensive list of 20 sentences about "Plants". Perfect for learners aiming to bolster their intermediate Japanese proficiency, our curated collection features essential Japanese phrases, complete with clear English translations. Elevate your language skills by immersing yourself in authentic Japanese sentences while enjoying the convenience of text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Dive into the lush world of botanical terms and expressions, designed to enrich your linguistic repertoire and deepen your connection with the natural world through the Japanese language. Start mastering plant-related vocabulary today and watch your conversational fluency blossom!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 古い植物はやがて枯れます。

    Old plants eventually die.

  • 庭のバラが咲いています。

    The roses in the garden are blooming.

  • 庭師がバラに水を散布しています。

    The gardener is spraying the roses with water.

  • 庭は自然と建築の調和を生み出すように設計されました。

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • オレンジの木を植えています。

    I am planting an orange tree.

  • その木を植えたのは誰ですか?

    Who planted the tree?

  • 植物学は植物の学問です。

    Botany deals with the study of plants.

  • 私たちの庭では昨年キャベツがたくさん実りました。

    Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

  • 私は庭に種を植えた。

    I planted a seed in the garden.

  • 私たちは植物園でたくさんの珍しい植物を見つけました。

    We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.

  • 私の祖母は自然に成長する植物をたくさん育てている。

    My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.

  • 種を畑に蒔きました。

    Seeds were sown in the field.

  • 自宅で野菜を育てましょう。

    Grow your own vegetables at home.

  • これは花ですか?

    Is this a flower?

  • 花が彼女を元気づけた。

    The flowers cheered her up.

  • トムは花に水をやった。

    Tom watered the flowers.

  • 虫を寄せ付けない植物があります。

    There are plants that repel insects.

  • チョコレートはカカオ豆から作られている。

    Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.

  • サボテンを買いました。

    I bought a cactus.

  • 野菜農園を作りたいです。

    I want to plant a vegetable garden.

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