Dutch Sentences About Math

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Master Dutch vocabulary and elevate your language skills to the next level with Clozemaster's dynamic learning platform. Dive into our specially curated list of 20 Dutch sentences focused on 'Math,' complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Dutch learners looking to sharpen their proficiency, these carefully selected Dutch phrases provide an immersive experience in mathematical jargon. Engage with our interactive tools and enrich your understanding of Dutch vocabulary as you confidently grasp essential math terms and expressions. Start expanding your math-related Dutch phrases today and advance your journey to fluency with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bepaal de dimensie van deze deelruimte.

    Find the dimension of this subspace.

  • De standaardwaarde is nul.

    The default value is zero.

  • De taart was in helften gesneden.

    The pie was cut into halves.

  • De variabel in deze vergelijking is onbekend.

    The variable in this equation is unknown.

  • Engels is moeilijker voor mij dan wiskunde.

    English is tougher for me than math.

  • Er is geen Nobelprijs voor wiskunde.

    There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

  • Hij begreep de complexe vergelijking.

    He understood the complex equation.

  • Hoeveel cijfers heeft dat getal?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Muziek is de ziel van de meetkunde.

    Music is the soul of geometry.

  • Negentig procent van het product was verkocht.

    Ninety percent of the product was sold.

  • Om het volume te berekenen, vermenigvuldig je de lengte met de breedte en de diepte.

    To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.

  • Rekenen is leuk en spannend voor mij.

    Arithmetic is fun and exciting for me.

  • Trek twee af van tien en je houdt acht over.

    Subtract two from ten and you have eight.

  • Twee derde van de werknemers van dit bedrijf zijn ingenieurs.

    Two-thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.

  • Twee keer zeven is veertien.

    Two times seven is fourteen.

  • Twee plus twee is vier.

    Two plus two equals four.

  • Vier vermenigvuldigd met twee is acht.

    Four multiplied by two is eight.

  • Wat is de waarde van een pot vol centen?

    What is the worth of a jar full of pennies?

  • Ze heeft negen appels in haar mandje.

    She has nine apples in her basket.

  • Ze loste de complexe formule op.

    She solved the complex equation.

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