Dutch Sentences About School

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Welcome to your ultimate resource for enhancing your Dutch vocabulary through learning about school-related Dutch sentences and phrases. This Clozemaster collection features a meticulously curated list of 20 intermediate-level sentences tailored to expand your proficiency in Dutch. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, along with English translations to ensure understanding. Dive into our interactive lessons and master essential Dutch phrases that will serve you in academic contexts and beyond. Whether you're a student or an avid language learner, these school-themed sentences will solidify your grasp of intermediate Dutch and pave the way for fluent conversations.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • De conciërge van de school maakt 's avonds de gymzaal schoon.

    The school custodian cleans the gym in the evening.

  • De leerlingen hebben nu pauze.

    The students are having a recess now.

  • De leraar nadert het klaslokaal langzaam.

    The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.

  • De school begint om 9 uur 's ochtends.

    School begins at 9 AM.

  • De studenten hadden een vijandige houding tegenover de leraar.

    The students had hostile attitudes toward the teacher.

  • Hij was aan het studeren voor het examen.

    He was studying for the exam.

  • Hij werd van school verwijderd.

    He was expelled from school.

  • Ik heb hard gewerkt voor een goed cijfer op school.

    I worked hard for a good grade in school.

  • Je gaat naar school.

    You go to school.

  • Kleed je aan en ga naar school.

    Get dressed and go to school.

  • Mijn cijfers zijn bovengemiddeld.

    My grades are above average.

  • Mijn studenten hebben gretig gewacht op de toetsuitslagen.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Onze kinderen gaan allemaal naar de lokale school.

    Our children all go to the local school.

  • Sam is mijn klasgenoot in biologie.

    Sam is my classmate in biology.

  • Schoollunches zijn walgelijk!

    School lunches are disgusting!

  • Toen ik op school zat, had ik echt een hekel aan het schrijven van opstellen.

    When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.

  • Vandaag gaan we de vorming van de aarde bestuderen.

    Today, we are going to study the formation of the Earth.

  • We moeten ons klaslokaal schoonmaken.

    We must clean our classroom.

  • Wij liepen een mijl naar school.

    We walked a mile to school.

  • Ze is populair op school.

    She is popular at school.

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