Persian Farsi Sentences About Sports

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Unlock the key to mastering Persian Farsi with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Sports". Perfectly designed for learners aiming to enhance their Persian Farsi vocabulary, these sentences feature text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're looking to expand your Persian Farsi sentences repertoire or deepen your understanding of useful Persian Farsi phrases, our collection is ideal for intermediate Persian Farsi learners. Dive into real-life contexts and boost your language skills efficiently. Don’t miss this invaluable resource for elevating your Persian Farsi proficiency, especially tailored for sports enthusiasts and language learners alike.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا از بولینگ خوشت می‌آید؟

    Do you like bowling?

  • آیا به گلف علاقه‌مند هستید؟

    Are you fond of golf?

  • آنها سه سال متوالی جام ژاپن را برنده شدند.

    They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.

  • او اغلب در مسابقات ورزشی شرکت می کند.

    He often participates in sports competitions.

  • او دارد مسابقه را برنده می‌شود.

    She is winning the race.

  • او موفق شد در مسابقات پیروز شود.

    He succeeded in winning the race.

  • او موقع ورزش‌کردن خیلی پرخاشگر است.

    He is very aggressive when playing sports.

  • او هر روز بعدازظهر ژیمناستیک تمرین می‌کند.

    She practices gymnastics every afternoon.

  • او ورزشکار خوبی است.

    He is a good athlete.

  • باب از ورزش کردن لذت می‌برد.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • بیایید اسکواش بازی کنیم.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • بازیکن به داور حمله کرد.

    The player attacked the referee.

  • بعد از دویدن به‌سختی می‌توانست راه برود.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • پس از یک ضربه سخت در بازی، بازیکن بیهوش شد.

    After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.

  • پیش‌بینی او از بازی اشتباه بود.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • تام برنده مسابقات قهرمانی شد.

    Tom won the championship.

  • تام لاکراس را دوست دارد.

    Tom likes lacrosse.

  • تیم میزبان همیشه نسبت به حریفان خود برتری دارد.

    The home team always has an advantage over their opponents.

  • شما دو نفر هسته تیم هستید.

    You two are the nucleus of the team.

  • من زیاد والیبال بازی می‌کنم.

    I play volleyball a lot.

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