Portuguese Sentences About Festivals

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary with a festive twist! Our specially curated list of 20 engaging Portuguese sentences about "Festivals" comes packed with authentic text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners, this page will not only teach you key Portuguese phrases but also immerse you in the cultural vibrancy of festival celebrations. Build your confidence and fluency by mastering these sentences designed to sharpen your understanding of grammar and colloquial expressions. Get ready to speak Portuguese like a local during any festa, and elevate your language skills with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A festa de aniversário anima as crianças.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • A festa foi muito agradável.

    The party was very enjoyable.

  • Cada equipe entrou no estádio com sua bandeira para as finais.

    Each team carried their flag into the stadium for the finals.

  • Ele está se preparando para os Jogos Olímpicos deste ano.

    He is preparing for the Olympic Games this year.

  • Eles se reuniram para comemorar a vitória.

    They gathered to commemorate the victory.

  • Esta é uma ocasião especial.

    This is a special occasion.

  • É um dos maiores festivais de música de verão.

    It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

  • John é o anfitrião da festa.

    John is the host of the party.

  • Milhares de velas iluminaram a igreja durante a cerimônia.

    Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.

  • Muitos asiáticos comemoram o Ano Novo Lunar.

    Many Asians celebrate the Lunar New Year.

  • Nós celebramos o Natal com a família.

    We celebrate Christmas with family.

  • O desfile apresentou muitas bandeiras coloridas.

    The parade featured many colorful flags.

  • O festival acontece a cada primavera.

    The festival occurs every spring.

  • O festival chegou ao fim.

    The festival came to an end.

  • O que estamos comemorando?

    What are we celebrating?

  • Os espanhóis são conhecidos pelos seus festivais.

    The Spaniards are known for their festivals.

  • Os fogos de artifício terminaram com uma explosão estrondosa.

    The fireworks ended with a loud explosion.

  • O tilintar dos sinos preencheu o ar.

    The jingle of bells filled the air.

  • Tom compareceu ao casamento.

    Tom attended the wedding.

  • Vamos ao carnaval este fim de semana.

    We're going to the carnival this weekend.

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