Portuguese Sentences About At the Doctor

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Welcome to your go-to resource for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary, specifically geared towards intermediate learners aiming to master authentic Portuguese sentences and phrases. Our "At the Doctor" collection on Clozemaster features 20 practical sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, perfect for those looking to strengthen their linguistic skills in a medical context. Immerse yourself in situational learning and elevate your intermediate Portuguese proficiency as you confidently navigate through conversations with healthcare professionals. Engage with our interactive platform today to enhance your fluency in Portuguese vocabulary and phrases!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A febre é um sintoma comum da gripe.

    Fever is a common symptom of flu.

  • Ele frequenta conferências médicas.

    He attends medical conferences.

  • Ele sofria de uma doença que afetava seus pulmões.

    He suffered from a disease that affected his lungs.

  • Eu vou ter uma cicatriz?

    Will I have a scar?

  • Fui diagnosticado com pneumonia.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

  • Levei uma picada de abelha.

    I got a bee sting.

  • Meu dente dói.

    My tooth hurts.

  • Meu médico tem excelentes boas maneiras ao lado da cama.

    My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.

  • O dentista está furando o dente.

    The dentist is drilling into the tooth.

  • O médico curou a sua doença.

    The doctor cured his illness.

  • O médico mencionou uma infecção na bexiga.

    The doctor mentioned a bladder infection.

  • O médico recomendou atividade física.

    The doctor recommended physical activity.

  • O médico se revelou um charlatão.

    The doctor turned out to be a quack.

  • O médico vai te dar alta amanhã.

    The doctor will discharge you tomorrow.

  • O tumor foi removido com sucesso.

    The tumor was successfully removed.

  • Preciso marcar uma consulta com o dentista.

    I need to make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Quais são os sintomas?

    What are the symptoms?

  • Se você tem um atestado médico, traga-o.

    If you have a medical certificate, bring it.

  • Tom está tratando um paciente.

    Tom is treating a patient.

  • Tom teve de tomar uma vacina contra a cólera.

    Tom had to get a cholera shot.

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