Portuguese Sentences About Stating Preferences

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Welcome to our resourceful page designed for intermediate Portuguese learners aiming to enhance their Portuguese vocabulary. If you're eager to express your likes and dislikes with confidence, our collection of 20 meticulously curated Portuguese sentences for stating preferences is just what you need. Each sentence comes with accurate English translations and crystal-clear text-to-speech audio to aid your pronunciation. Our interactive content is perfect for those looking to expand their knowledge of functional Portuguese phrases and engage in more meaningful conversations. Dive into our engaging platform now and master the art of conveying preferences seamlessly in Portuguese!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • As preferências musicais variam de pessoa para pessoa.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Chegar cedo é bom.

    Arriving early is good.

  • É claro, muitos idosos estão felizes com a aposentadoria.

    Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.

  • Ela gosta do cantor.

    She likes the singer.

  • Ela não é uma comilona exigente.

    She is not a picky eater.

  • Ele gosta de ser vegetariano.

    He enjoys being a vegetarian.

  • Ele prefere peixe a carne.

    He prefers fish to meat.

  • Era um dia ideal para caminhar.

    It was an ideal day for walking.

  • Eu decidi parar de fumar.

    I decided to quit smoking.

  • Eu gosto de doces.

    I like candies.

  • Eu não gosto de nenhum dos bolos.

    I like neither of the cakes.

  • Eu, pessoalmente, amo chocolates.

    I, personally, love chocolates.

  • Eu prefiro água mineral.

    I prefer mineral water.

  • Eu prefiro chá a café.

    I prefer tea over coffee.

  • Eu tomaria um pouco de chá verde de jasmim.

    I would drink some jasmine green tea.

  • Matemática é a minha matéria favorita.

    Mathematics is my favorite subject.

  • Meus gostos diferem muito dos seus.

    My tastes differ greatly from yours.

  • Nós comemos peixe cru.

    We eat raw fish.

  • O café não desperta o meu interesse.

    Coffee does not arouse my interest.

  • Você gosta de café ou chá?

    Do you like coffee or tea?

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