Portuguese Sentences About Movies

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Welcome to our dedicated practice page for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary through the exciting world of cinema! Discover our curated selection of 20 essential Portuguese sentences about movies, complete with English translations and text-to-speech audio. This resource is perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners aiming to enrich their language skills with relevant phrases used in everyday conversations about films. Whether you are a movie buff or seeking new expressions to enhance your linguistic repertoire, these sentences will help you talk about your favorite blockbusters and cinematic experiences with fluency. Dive into the cinematic lexicon of Portuguese and bring your language learning to life!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Criaturas mortas-vivas aparecem em filmes de terror.

    Undead creatures appear in horror movies.

  • Ela achou o filme assustador demais.

    She found the movie too scary.

  • Ela fica horrorizada com filmes violentos.

    She is horrified by violent movies.

  • Eles estão indo ao cinema.

    They are going to the movies.

  • Este filme é altamente polêmico.

    This movie is highly controversial.

  • Eu quero ver este filme.

    I want to see this movie.

  • Eu surtei durante o filme de terror.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Fique acordado até o filme acabar.

    Stay awake until the movie ends.

  • Muitos filmes apresentam um cenário de apocalipse.

    Many movies feature an apocalypse setting.

  • O filme começou às 19h.

    The movie began at 7 pm.

  • O filme é baseado em fatos reais.

    The movie is based on true events.

  • O filme é classificado como PG-13.

    The film is rated PG-13.

  • O filme estará em exibição nos cinemas no próximo mês.

    The movie is showing in movie theaters next month.

  • O filme foi dublado para o italiano.

    The film was dubbed into Italian.

  • O filme retratou a jornada de um escravo que lutou pela liberdade contra todas as adversidades.

    The film depicted the journey of a slave who fought for freedom against all odds.

  • O final do filme fez com que ela se sentisse triste.

    The movie's ending made her feel sad.

  • O final do filme foi muito imprevisível.

    The film's ending was very unpredictable.

  • Ontem eu vi um filme antigo com Charlie Chaplin.

    I saw an old film featuring Charlie Chaplin yesterday.

  • Qual era a sua expectativa em relação ao filme?

    What was your expectation of the film?

  • Quando começa o filme?

    When does the movie start?

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