Portuguese Sentences About Meeting People

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to resource for boosting your Portuguese vocabulary with practical Portuguese sentences and phrases. Our carefully curated collection of 20 interactive sentences on "Meeting People" is perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners looking to enhance their conversational skills. Each sentence features text-to-speech audio from native speakers and English translations to aid your comprehension. Immerse yourself in the nuances of social interactions by mastering key Portuguese phrases. Start engaging confidently in Portuguese today with Clozemaster's dynamic language learning tools!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Conheci Tom na Austrália.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Conheci um monge da Tailândia.

    I met a monk from Thailand.

  • Ela é nossa convidada para esta semana.

    She is our guest for this week.

  • Ela sorriu para o estranho que passava.

    She smiled at the passing stranger.

  • Ele falou com quem quer que encontrasse.

    He spoke to whomever he met.

  • Eles nos cumprimentaram calorosamente.

    They greeted us warmly.

  • Eu conheci o seu amigo.

    I met your friend.

  • Eu conheci o Tom em um clube.

    I met Tom at a club.

  • Eu o conheci há três anos.

    I got acquainted with him three years ago.

  • Foi um encontro casual.

    It was a casual meeting.

  • Foi um encontro muito afortunado.

    It was a very fortunate meeting.

  • Mais uma pessoa vai nos acompanhar mais tarde.

    One more person will be joining us later.

  • Nós nos encontramos no local designado.

    We met at the designated spot.

  • Nós os encontramos no terminal de ônibus.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

  • Oi, prazer em conhecer você.

    Hi, nice to meet you.

  • Olá, como você está hoje?

    Hello, how are you today?

  • Prazer em conhecer você.

    Nice to meet you.

  • Qual é o seu nome?

    What is your name?

  • Tom apresentou a Mary para o John.

    Tom introduced Mary to John.

  • Vá ter comigo ao bar do hotel.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

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