Spanish Sentences About House

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Welcome to our dynamic language-learning platform, designed to boost your Spanish vocabulary with practical Spanish sentences about 'House.' Perfect for intermediate Spanish learners, our collection of 20 Spanish phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensures an immersive experience. Delve into commonly used expressions and enhance your understanding by listening and repeating. These contextual sentences will not only refine your pronunciation but also solidify your grasp of everyday Spanish vocabulary. Get ready to confidently speak about your home environment in Spanish and impress with your fluency. Let's build your Spanish proficiency with each interactive lesson at Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A María le encanta su valla de bambú.

    Mary loves her bamboo fence.

  • ¿Cerraste la puerta?

    Did you lock the door?

  • El dormitorio estaba cargado de hermosos ornamentos.

    The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

  • Esa es una casa muy grande.

    That's a very big house.

  • Esta casa tiene mucho valor.

    This house has a lot of value.

  • Es un buen día para cortar el césped.

    It's a nice day for mowing the lawn.

  • La casa se derrumbó.

    The house caved in.

  • Las alfombras blancas son muy difíciles de mantener limpias.

    White carpets are very hard to keep clean.

  • Los dormitorios están arriba.

    The bedrooms are upstairs.

  • Los pañuelos están en el cajón.

    The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.

  • Los pisos de mármol son hermosos.

    Marble floors are beautiful.

  • Me dio un vaso de agua.

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • Nuestra casa está en aquella cresta.

    Our house is on that ridge.

  • Pon el libro en la estante superior.

    Put the book on the top shelf.

  • Pusieron los cimientos de la casa.

    They laid the foundation of the house.

  • Siento un fuerte apego por esta casa.

    I feel a strong attachment to this house.

  • Su casa tenía un buen sistema de seguridad.

    Their house had a good security system.

  • Tom añadió una habitación a su casa.

    Tom added a room to his house.

  • Tom está en el porche trasero.

    Tom is on the back porch.

  • Tom está en el tejado.

    Tom is on the roof.

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