Spanish Sentences About Jobs

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Elevate your Spanish vocabulary to new heights with Clozemaster's engaging list of 20 practical Spanish sentences centered around "Jobs." Curated for intermediate Spanish learners, our immersive text-to-speech audio ensures that you not only read but also hear authentic Spanish phrases in action. Each sentence comes with its English translation, making it easier for you to grasp the nuances of job-related vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for a job interview or simply expanding your language skills, our interactive platform is the perfect tool to master key Spanish phrases and excel in real-world conversations. Dive into our dynamic learning experience and boost your command of Spanish vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Conduzco un camión de reparto.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • Decidió hacerse autor.

    He decided to become an author.

  • Ella quiere ser diseñadora.

    She wants to be a designer.

  • El mecánico ensambló el motor.

    The mechanic assembled the engine.

  • Escribe guiones para programas de televisión.

    He writes scripts for TV shows.

  • Gobernar un país no es un trabajo fácil.

    To govern a country is not an easy job.

  • ¿Hay alguna posibilidad de su renuncia?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • La actriz hizo su debut cuando tenía ocho años.

    The actress made her debut when she was eight.

  • Mi hermano es camionero de larga distancia.

    My brother is a long-haul trucker.

  • Necesitamos que esto sea investigado por un biólogo.

    We need to have this researched by a biologist.

  • Necesito un intérprete.

    I need an interpreter.

  • Quiere ganar más dinero.

    She wants to earn more money.

  • Se puso un traje para lucir profesional en su entrevista de trabajo.

    He wore a suit to look professional for his job interview.

  • Tom es arquitecto.

    Tom is an architect.

  • Tom es inadecuado para ese trabajo.

    Tom is unfit for that job.

  • Tom está buscando trabajo.

    Tom is seeking a job.

  • Tom está diseñando su primer edificio.

    Tom is designing his first building.

  • Tom se niega a trabajar.

    Tom refuses to work.

  • Trabaja en la industria cosmética.

    She works in the cosmetics industry.

  • Trabaja para una agencia de publicidad.

    She works for an advertising agency.

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