Spanish Sentences About Music

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Immerse yourself in the rhythm of the Spanish language with our dynamic page dedicated to boosting your Spanish vocabulary through music! Experience the joy of learning as you explore 20 carefully crafted Spanish sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. These Spanish phrases are curated to enliven your language skills and help you confidently engage in conversations about music. Ideal for intermediate Spanish learners, our user-friendly resource is your key to mastering essential Spanish vocabulary. Tune your ears to the nuances of Spanish and let the power of music accelerate your language journey on Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A ella le gusta la música clásica, mientras que yo prefiero el jazz.

    She loves classical music, whereas I prefer jazz.

  • Cantemos en el karaoke esta noche.

    Let's sing at the karaoke tonight.

  • La música calma el alma.

    Music soothes the soul.

  • La música es una revelación superior a toda sabiduría y filosofía.

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

  • Las gaitas producen un sonido muy extraño.

    Bagpipes produce a very strange sound.

  • Las preferencias musicales varían de una persona a otra.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Le encanta cantar canciones.

    She loves to sing songs.

  • Los estudiantes de música necesitan practicar a diario.

    Music students need daily practice.

  • Me arrepiento de no aprender a tocar el piano.

    I regret not learning piano.

  • Me gusta la música clásica.

    I do like classical music!

  • No escuché el estribillo de esa canción.

    I did not listen to the chorus of that song.

  • Nunca tuvo talento para componer melodías.

    He never had the talent for composing melodies.

  • ¿Puedes cantar el Himno Nacional Argentino?

    Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem?

  • Sus padres decidieron que tocaría el chelo.

    Her parents decided that she would play the cello.

  • Tocaba el violín maravillosamente.

    He played the violin wonderfully.

  • Tocó una sonata.

    She played a sonata.

  • Tom se hizo famoso como violinista.

    Tom became famous as a violinist.

  • Tom tocaba la trompeta.

    Tom was playing the trumpet.

  • Tom tocó unas tonadas al piano.

    Tom played a few tunes on the piano.

  • ¿Vas a ir al concierto?

    Are you going to the concert?

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