Spanish Sentences About Relationships

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to resource for mastering intermediate Spanish vocabulary! Our specially curated page features 20 essential Spanish sentences centered around the captivating theme of "Relationships." Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to hone your pronunciation and includes English translations to aid comprehension. Whether you're looking to enrich your Spanish phrases for better communication or just want to add more depth to your language skills, these sentences are perfectly designed for anyone serious about taking their intermediate Spanish to the next level. Dive into our interactive learning experience and unlock the secrets of expressing yourself eloquently in the world of amor and amistad!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Agradezco tu apoyo.

    I appreciate your support.

  • Anna reveló que es lesbiana.

    Anna revealed she's a lesbian.

  • Bob se quejó a su amigo.

    Bob complained to his friend.

  • Él ignoró su consejo.

    He ignored her advice.

  • Ella le estaba ocultando un secreto.

    She was concealing a secret from him.

  • Ella le gusta más que nadie.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Ella traicionó su confianza.

    She betrayed his trust.

  • La pareja se abrazó efusivamente.

    The couple embraced each other tightly.

  • Mary le dio a Tom una caja de bombones envenenados.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Me niego a dejarme engañar por sus artimañas.

    I refuse to be taken in by her guile.

  • Me trata como a un niño.

    He treats me as a child.

  • Mi hermano es gay.

    My brother is gay.

  • Pronto dejarás de pensar en ella.

    You will soon cease to think of her.

  • Tenemos intereses en común.

    We have common interests.

  • Tiene muchos conocidos.

    He has a lot of acquaintances.

  • Tom ha estado evitando a Mary.

    Tom has been avoiding Mary.

  • Tom le envió un mensaje a Mary.

    Tom sent Mary a message.

  • Tu egoísmo te hará perder amigos.

    Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

  • Tú eres mi amigo.

    You are my friend.

  • Yo confío en ella.

    I trust her.

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